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Looking to partner with a company but not sure whether they will make you a priority?  

4 min read

Finding the right partner to help amplify your services can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Many of your prospects will have shiny websites and great ‘who we work with’ pages with incredible customer reviews from past positive relationships. But what you need is a way to validate an organisation to understand if they are type of business that will put you first and go The Xtra Mile.

So what does The Xtra Mile look like?

With a quick review you can start by picking up on some key internal attributes like; are they a happy company with motivated and cared for staff? Do they get involved in activities wider than their direct industry that include staff? Are they good corporate citizens and do they have an active Corporate Social Responsibility strategy.

Organisations that have solid internal values often have great external values also, meaning they are likely to embrace being an Xtra Mile Company, so these internal drivers are great indicators of where you can start looking.


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So how should they treat you? In this blog we provide our top ten insights on what to look for when searching for a partner organisation that will put your needs first and go The Xtra Mile.

  1. First impressions

  2. Commitment

  3. Go bespoke

  4. They go deep

  5. Communication

  6. Be proactive

  7. Exceeding expectations

  8. The small stuff

  9. Promotional support

  10. Research and review


First thing’s first…

1.  First impressions

When meeting and pitching for your services The Xtra Mile business will let you know that they really want to work with you, through their body language, tone of conversation and energy they have for you when you meet.


2.  Commitment

They will show their level of commitment by having their high-ranking executives take the time to meet with your team and they will drive work to build partnerships across both organisations.


3.  Go bespoke

The Xtra Mile (TXM) company is one that approaches every prospect with an open mind and with no preconceptions. Your services and needs are unique to you and you need a company that will listen and put your needs first. You need a bespoke tailored offering that services those needs.


4.  They go deep

‘TXM’ businesses will do what is needed to understand your industry and business intimately. They will aim to be able to hold a direct conversation with you about your needs so they can support accordingly.

They should also take the time to understand your business from every angle, from your staff’s needs to customer’s needs. This will help them supply support that services all the human elements of the relationship.


5.  Communication

Constant and value-added feedback will help you feel confident in the relationship. Sharing information that helps you understand the value they offer is a great sign that they value the relationship.

They can also share relevant and cutting-edge information like news articles about your industry with you, encouraging your confidence and once again reinforcing their commitment to understanding your industry and needs.


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6.  Be proactive

The XM team will proactively find potential opportunities to help you grow. In any relationship the value comes from what is fed into it, and a company that is actively looking to offer support is a valued partner.


7.  Exceeding expectations

A value close to TXM companies should be to under promise and over deliver. Exceeding your expectations will be a welcome surprise and strengthen the professional bonds between companies.


8.  The small stuff

They say the devil is in the detail and like with most things it is the company that does the Xtra 10% that can be the difference between winning your work or not.

Best practice in simple admin areas like sending thank you notes after meetings and outlining agreed actions allows nothing to be missed or dropped.

Returning calls promptly, being on time for meetings, hand delivering contracts and other important documents, and always delivering on their word promotes a company that is process driven, astute and professional.


9.  Promotional support

The digital space gives TXM companies the opportunity to help promote their partners to a wider audience. They can leverage their own followers by making comment on news articles and social media postings.


10.  Research and review

Feedback is pivotal for growth. A company that looks to understand how they are operating for you, where they can improve, what they are doing well and how they can make that even better is a company already going ‘The Xtra Mile’.

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